Continuum of Attitudes Re: Facebook Privacy

Based on nothing more than an observation of my Twitter stream, I've found a continuum of attitudes regarding Facebook's privacy issues [particularly surrounding the announcements at f8].  Here we go ...

Those who believe Facebook is pure evil and have recently deactivated their accounts in fear and protest.  You will likely find these people in their bomb shelters, or grandmother's basement.  Perhaps listening to Ted Nugent.


Those who believe Facebook is pretty evil and are hell bent on making as much noise as possible in the interest of: [A] Forcing Facebook to change its ways [B] Generating a lot of repetitive blog posts [C] Having something to talk about until football season starts  [D] All of the above. 


Those who believe the responsibility rests with the individual - not Facebook or anyone else.  Probably voted McCain in 2008.  If not, they probably thought about it very seriously. 


Those who have decided to fight fire with fire.  Facebook wants to compromise our privacy?  We'll show them by opening all our privacy settings, and publishing every single thing about ourselves on every web site in the world!  Here's a small piece of advice: you should run that by your wife before you take this course of action.  Trust me on this.


Those who can't be bothered with all this.  It is what it is.  Why fight it?  Pass the Red Stripe.


And of course, those who say Facebook, who?  Love you, grandma!