The Lockdown Drill

"We do it in case someone comes to school with a gun. The siren is different than the fire alarm. It's like woo-woo-woo instead of nuh-nuh-nuh. I kind of like it. It's kinda funny. When we hear it we all go into the reading area and sit very quietly in a circle. And we're not allowed to talk or leave until the policeman or teacher says on the microphone that we can move."

This is how my 5 year old describes the lock-down drill at school. It breaks my heart every time, including last night over dinner.

Of the many well-articulated, reasonable and rationale pleas for gun-control, the existence of the lock-down drill is the only one that really matters to me.

That there's something we can do to make it less likely the lock-down drill will ever not be a drill ... how can you be a parent (or a human) and not support that?

Go to or click the image to help end the epidemic. Or just to lend your voice. #Enough.

Go to or click the image to help end the epidemic. Or just to lend your voice. #Enough.